Information Systems and Programming

The SIP course is intended to educate future engineers to understand and master the IT tools and information systems they will be confronted with in their career, as well as build their skills to properly design and write code. The course is composed of two main parts, Information Systems and Programming, the second focusing on the Python language.

Teaching time performed: 25.5 hours of tutorials.

Part of the teaching team for the school year 2019-2020.

Instructors: Gianluca Quercini.

Student level: First year (~L3/BSc).

Three courses help students to boost their skills in programming and algorithmic. SIP is the first, followed by two weeks of intense programming (Coding Weeks) and the Algorithmic & Complexity course. 1st year students have very different levels in these fields, depending on their previous scholastic path (prep classes including “MP Option Info”, other universities, …) and their personal taste for programming (some have already participated in programming contests). This course does not require any advanced notion in algorithmic. However, all students must reach a minimum common level; the most advanced students have the possibility to further improve their skills.

At the end of the three courses, students should have the necessary coding skills to cope with other courses at CentraleSupélec, develop tools for student clubs on campus and companies.

Syllabus :

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to database systems and data modeling.
  • Lecture 2: Relational database management systems (SQLite et SQL).
  • Lecture 3: Computer architecture and operating systems.
  • Lecture 4: Introduction to computer networks.
  • Lecture 5: Information security.

The Programming part of the course consists of a series of tutorials (no lectures).

You can download the cheat-sheet here.