The lecture “Formal Systems II: Theory” deals with the theoretical aspects of formal systems as an advanced lecture following “Formal Systems” in the bachelor. In 2024, the lecture covers
- dynamic logic (propositional and first-order),
- axiomatic set theory,
- Gödel’s incompleteness theorem,
- category theory,
- algebraic and co-algebraic data types,
- many-valued logics,
- applications of logic to social choice,
- separation logic,
- description logic.
Informations are available (in German) on the group’s website
Teaching time performed:
- Three lectures (4.5 hours) on an introduction to category theory, mostly presenting categories, functors, natural transformations, and universal constructions (see the slides).
- Two lectures (3 hours) on algebraic and co-algebraic datatypes (see the slides).
Part of the teaching team for summer semester 2024.
Instructors: Shared with Bernhard Beckert and Mattias Ulbrich
Student level: Master.